

[最も好ましい] 二次元壁紙 795483-二次元壁紙

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選択した画像 四宮小次郎 685648-四宮小次郎 声優

Kojirō opens a second restaurant in Tokyo (Chapter 109) Kojirō cooking for his kitchen staff (Chapter 110) Kojirō in the kitchen of Shino's Tokyo during the first day of its trial period (Chapter 111) Kojirō teaching Sōma (Chapter 115) Kojirō lined up with the rest ofOwner of a French cuisine restaurant called Shino's, Koujirou was a student of the 79th generation and held the first seat in the Council of Ten Masters, he is a man with glasses and red hair He is also known as the "Legumes Magician" From WikipediaListen to 四宮小次郎(CV中村悠一) on Spotify Artist 11K monthly listeners 四宮小次郎 優惠推薦 21年9月 蝦皮購物台灣 四宮小次郎 声優